Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hello all, this is your friendly neighborhood outspoken historian. I'm here for another blog to put my thoughts out there on a subject that is at least, vaguely related to history. Enjoy.

So I was talking with a friend on Facebook about a group of Christians who are stating that the world will end on May 21st 2011 (which is worthy of a blog all onto its own). She got upset with me and asked me not to generalize all Christians into one group because not all Christians think the same way. So this got me to thinking. Why should i NOT generalize?

As I look around me, I see people generalizing other people into groups all the time. I turn on the TV and I see complaints about Muslims. All Muslims and all countries with high Islamic populations. Even though it is only a small group that is radical. But if you look outside at American Christians, there are radicals who also call for extreme measures.

Also, I see the generalization of all non-organized religions, including Pagans, Druids, and Wiccans, into Cults or Devil Worshipers.

Then all people from China are generalized into a stereotype of 'Chinese.' All Russians are the same. All of the French are rude and unclean. All Canadians are unintelligent. All Hispanics are from Mexico and they are all illegal. All men are loud, dirty, and horny. All women are bitchy, emotional, and nags. All African Americans are lazy, loud, and expect everything handed to them. All whites are racists.

No one likes to be generalized. However, people do it all the time. Sometimes for dramatic effect. Sometimes to prove a point. Sometimes to be mean. and Sometimes because they are ignorant.

I admit to generalizing on occasion. Often to prove a point or a trend over time. Though never, in my experience, have a I heard people complain more about it all then I have heard Christians. It amazes me at how vehemently people will object to the generalization of Christians than any other. Its ok, in so many people's eyes to claim that all Muslims are terrorists, but saying that Christians over time have predicted the end of the world over and over again, that is worthy of objection. That is an interesting fact.

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